One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock walk!
My lovely landlady Jean Calhoun found something way cool online today, and I just have to share it: lets you plug in an address, say your work or home address, and it pops up all the eating establishments within a walkable radius of your house! Check it out below... Just enter your own address into the search box at the bottom of the map. also gives you a "walk score." Our walk score was only 42%. It would have been even lower, but the application identified the house of our homeowners association president as an eating establishment. I'm guessing the programmer has been there for a meeting. What makes an HOA meeting less painful than food?
Warning: The program can be rude and insulting. It called us "car-dependent." Ok, I know it's true. Still, I hated hearing it. Is there a 12-step plan for car dependency? The first step to ending an addiction is admitting it, right?